Everyday on my way to school (I go by bike) I pass a wall with some graffiti on it. There´s nothing special about this wall or the graffiti. Almost. Someone wrote a short sentence on there. He, or she, just used black colour. No background except for the grey wall. NO colours whatsoever used except for the black letters. I read this sentence, this very simple, yet so intense sentence almost every day. It is a german sentence. It says:
"Macht die Erde nicht kaputt!"
Translated into English, this means: " Do not destroy the earth!"
Reading this sentence saddens me everytime. We are not only destroying the earth, our planet, the only habitable planet known so far, by overusing ressources and living our lifes in a way that is not sustainable. No. We also do almost nothing to stop this.
Sure, there are some funds and political parties out there trying to prevent the earth´s death, like Greenpeace. They certainly are doing a great and noticeable job, but that´s not enough.
Because the real impact has to come from us. Us normal people. Us people living our everyday lifes, driving past graffiti showing us the flaws of the world and society we live in, and not doing shit to make anything happen. We only complain about life on earth going down the drain. We worry about poor people in Africa, their problems with AIDS, Ebola and having no water. We worry about smog in China. About huge amounts of plastic in the oceans. About air pollution.
We think worrying is enough. As if it attention would help, if nobody does something. Noticing a drawback, and doing something against it are two completly different things. Sure, attention helps and is definitely needed, but we can´t stop there.
And this is not a complain about all the inactive people out there. This also goes to me. I´m not doing shit either. Not enough. And I hate it.
Sure, there are some funds and political parties out there trying to prevent the earth´s death, like Greenpeace. They certainly are doing a great and noticeable job, but that´s not enough.
Because the real impact has to come from us. Us normal people. Us people living our everyday lifes, driving past graffiti showing us the flaws of the world and society we live in, and not doing shit to make anything happen. We only complain about life on earth going down the drain. We worry about poor people in Africa, their problems with AIDS, Ebola and having no water. We worry about smog in China. About huge amounts of plastic in the oceans. About air pollution.
We think worrying is enough. As if it attention would help, if nobody does something. Noticing a drawback, and doing something against it are two completly different things. Sure, attention helps and is definitely needed, but we can´t stop there.
And this is not a complain about all the inactive people out there. This also goes to me. I´m not doing shit either. Not enough. And I hate it.
Macht die Erde nicht kaputt.
Do not destroy the earth.
Des hab ich auch gesehn, aber erst danach. Definitv passend.