Montag, 27. April 2015


This will be a shorter post, but I just need to get it out. It will be filled with anger and hatred, so if you´re a peace-loving and harmonic person: Don´t you dare to read this!

As I am a living being, I oftentimes have to interact with other people. This involves chatting or even real takling. I´ve come to accept this. I´m okay with it by now. Really.
But, and this is a big but(t) (hehe) (I love big butts) (and I cannot lie), I absolutly can´t stand people, who are taking every single word I say completly seriously. Gosh! 
I have to confess, I´m a very sarcastic person, I love black humor, I love making ironic comments. That´s my daily amusement, my way of dealing with this fucked up world, we have to live in. 
But that´s another topic for another beautiful day when I will write another beautiful blogpost full of hate and demonic anger.
Back to todays topic. I simply can´t understand how one can take every single goddamn thing so goddamn seriously. That´s no fun at all. If I say something sarcastic, I just want to shine a light on the absurd side of a situation or a topic. I (normally) do NOT wan´t to harm any feelings, what I´m saying is not to attack other human beings. It´s purely my own way of reacting to things. My way of commenting. My humor. If you don`t agree, ignore me. Or my comment. I have no problem with that. And so will you. Problem solved before it even arises. 
So, people of this world, calm your shit and try to see the absurd and funny side of things. It will make your life way easier. 
Really! (not ironic)

The Outlaw

I wake up. Its raining. I´m standing out here alone. All around me is nothing. Waste land. Just space. There are no recognizable details about this landscape, yet it seems oddly familiar, like I´ve seen it somewhere before. In a dream maybe. I don´t know. I think 
it´s not very important. 
I turn around. There is a small house. More of a cabin than a house actually. I´m walking towards it. The door is broken. I slowly step inside. Nothing. Darkness. Atleast, I guess. Darkness is good. 
"I´ve waited for you. A long time now. Where have you been that long?" 
The voice seems familiar, too. In the same way the landscape did. I notice, that it´s still raining. That´s kind of crazy, considering 
I´m inside of a house. A small and old house, which has definitly seen much better days, but still, a house. 
"Who are you?"
"That´s not important. You won´t need to know."
"Then why have you waited for me. Atleast that has to be a bit relevant."
"There is of course a reason I´ve waited that long of a time."
"Say it."
"It´s not important. You won´t get an answer to whatever question you are going to ask."
"I guess I´ll leave it then."
"Very kind."
"I know."
The voice doesn´t answer. I don´t know if that´s a good thing. I hear nothing else. No sounds, apart from the raindrops falling on the floor. The water is running down my body.
"I changed my mind."
"I´m going to tell you the reason."
"The reason?"
"The reason. The reason I´ve waited so long for you."
"Go ahead."
"I need to kill you."
"Hmm. That´s a very reserved reaction to that kind of message."
"I`m just sad."
"Understandable. Your life is going to end soon."
" We´ll see."
"If you´re so optimistic, then why are you so sad?"
"Now that you said you that need to kill me, atleast one of the two of us has to die. That´s sad. It´s not easy to find a good conversation out here. long time since I´ve had one."
Silence. Again. 
"You´re not going to tell my why you have to kill me, are you?"
"Or who you´re working for."
"Can we keep on talking?"
"So you´re gonna kill me now?"
I´m begin to close my eyes slowly. It´s so dark in here, I can´t use them anyway. I don´t need to. I can see without them. I can see, feel hear anything. I´m the darkness. I know where the killer is. But he´s hiding his presence. He´s a silhouette. Slowly positoning himself. i can feel his experience. 
Have they sent him? Probably. Does he know about my powers? Probably not. All to have experienced them are dead. 
He has a small sword. Two actually. Perfect for this indoor fight. He holds them in front of his body, ready to jump on me.
I close my eyes completly. 
From this point on, he has no chance. I´m fully converged with the dark. I feel it streaming through me. Powerful, thirsty, omnipotent. I´m gliding towards the killer. Let him feel my aura. Let him feel fear, anger, hatred, pain. He screams. He realises his situation. His hopelessness. He has fought enough battles to know.
Why did they send someone? Purely for information on my power? Do they see through him? No. I would have recognized it. 
Suddenly light bursts out of his head. An explosion erupts in front of me. I immediately wrap some darkness around it. Control it. but i still feel the power. This coldness, I will never forget it. It took away my ... . 
Enough! Control! They want to know about me. They will not get anything! They are fighting for presence. I need to hold up the pressure while not revealing my powers!
I´m lucky. The rain and the darkness in the small cabin are on my side. I´m able to surpress them. I´m save for now. But htey know where I am now. I will need to watch out better. But I also know something. I will destroy them. They took everything from me. The will pay. I will make them pay!
With this thoughts I´m leaning back into the darkness, my only remaining friend. It holds me, and I´m drifting back to my dreams.

Sonntag, 5. April 2015

Possible new posts in English?

Hi there, small group of people actually reading this blog!
So I did some research on where my readers are from, and i found out that almost all of you guys are from the USA. As this is an Englisch speaking country, I figured I might write some future post in said language (boy, I´m so clever!) This could be a way to attract more readers, and also improve my skills of writig in English, which I think is not very good yet (at least I`m not completly content with it). I hope this will be fun! I would also really appreaciate some feedback, wether it´s on my English or the content itself. 
Thank you!

minimalismus (Richtig)

Ok, der letzte Eintrag war witzig und auch inhaltlich korrekt, so, wie er ist. Klar ist er etwas ... kurz? ... aber er ist konsequent und schlichtweg angebracht (bei dem Thema). 
Trotzdem schreib ich hier jetzt des, was ich zu dem Thema zu sagen habe.

Ich mag ja Kunst. Ich denke, die allermeisten Menschen mögen Kunst. Sind empfänglich für ästhetisch ansprechende Dinge. Design. Gemälde. Plakate. Skulpturen. Musik fällt jetzt hier eher weniger rein, ich will mich auf optischen Genuss abzielende Kunst beschränken.
Genauer gesagt, minimalistische Kunst. Gestaltung. 
In den letzten Jahren, besonders in den letzten fünf, würde ich sagen, ist in der Gestaltungsrichtlinie vieler Dinge, von alltäglichen Gebrauchsgegenständen wie Stiften über Designermöbel bis zu Benutzeroberflächen von Software, der eindeutige Trend der Reduktion erkennbar. 
Warum ist das aber so? Was machst minimalistische Gestaltung so beliebt?
Meiner Meinung nach, und das ist die einzige, die hier Gewicht hat, ist es die stärkere Fokussierung auf die Aussage und die Funktion.
Ein paar Beispiele.

Gute Werbung: minimalistische Print-Motive

Gute Werbung: minimalistische Print-Motive

Ich glaub, der Gedanke wird klar. Auch in der Kunst findet sich dieser Trend. Hier spielt die Funktion natürlich meist eine eher untergeordnete Rolle, Die Ästethik hingegen kommt viel deutlicher zum tragen. Und so ist minimalistische Kunst zwar nicht immer einfacher zu verstehen als gewöhnliche (wobei es sicherlich massenweise Fälle gibt), aber auf jeden Fall einfacher anzuschauen.



Sieht einfach geil aus! Ich persönlich mags sehr (hat man vielleicht schon gemerkt). Ich hoffe, diese Art der Kunst findet weiterhin hohe und steigende Aufmerksamkeit und positive Kritik. Und, noch hoffentlicher, überträgt sich der Trend des Minimalismus auf mehr Lebensbereiche, eventuell auch auf solche, wo es wirklich zählt: Ressourcenverbrauch, Nachhaltigkeit und Konflikte!